Graphium Sarpendon 8 x 10 inches, Acrylic on Museum Board on Panel, 2013
Junonia Rhadama 8 x 10 inches, Acrylic on Museum Board on Panel, 2013
I aspire to make the paintings striking in regard to color, even if the build up of paint to achieve chroma sacrifices detail. I also want to have enough compositional elements in even the smaller pictures that they won't be seen as mere wildlife illustrations.
The Callicore Hesperis is of the Nymphalidae family and is native to South America, specifically the Amazon region where, unfortunately, the jewelry trade has hunted their genus almost to extinction
The Graphium Sarpedon, often called the Common Bluebottle, is native to south and southeast Asia. It is also seen in Australia, where it is called a Blue Triangle. It often feeds at puddles (as does the Callicore).
The Junonia Rhadama, or Brilliant Blue, is another Nymphaidae native primarily to Madasgascar and the Seychelles.
If you want to see more of my work you can check out my website at
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